About us
ニューキャッスル・アライアンス会議とは「新しい城」という同じ名前の都市が同盟を結んで2年ごとに集まり、話し合いや交流を行う国際会議のことです。世界各地に、100以上の "ニューキャッスル"と名の付く地名があります。現在、ニューキャッスル・アライアンスに加盟している国は14ヵ国16都市です。
The Newcastles of the World Alliance Conference in an international conference which gathers every two years among member cities united under the name, "Newcastle" or "New Castle". There are more than 100 different Newcastles around the globe. 16 cities (14 countries) are currently part of the Newcastles of the World Alliance.
Brief History: Newcastles of the World Alliance
The City of Shinshiro discovered that more than 100 cities called "Newcastle" or "New Castle" exist in various countries and in various languages since around the year 1994. In 1998, the City of Shinshiro contacted these municipalities and suggested to form an alliance between cities that share this same name. To commemorate the start of the alliance between the various "Newcastles", the City of Shinshiro organized an event called the "Newcastles of the World Summit". This "Summit" continued to be held once every two years until 2008.
This summit, however, was limited only to city officials. From the 2008 Summit that was held in Neuburg (Germany), the "Summit" transformed into a "Conference" in which ordinary citizens could freely participate.
At the 2012 conference hosted by Newcastle upon Tyne (UK), a division solely for youth was established. Due to the overwhelmingly positive interaction among youth around the world and upon discovering that Youth Parliaments are common in many European nations, the youth of Shinshiro were inspired to create the Shinshiro Youth Parliament.
20 years since the establishment of this alliance, the City of Shinshiro (Japan) is proud to host the 2018 Newcastles of the World Conference.
1998年11月 November 1998 |
第1回世界新城サミットを新城市が呼びかけ、新城市で開催 7カ国8都市が参加 The City of Shinshiro invites various "Newcastles" around the world and hosts the first Newcastles of the World Summit 8 cities (7 countries) participate |
2000年9月 September 2000 |
第2回世界新城サミット in スイス開催 2nd Newcastles of the World Summit in Switzerland |
2002年10月 October 2002 |
第3回世界新城サミット in アメリカ開催 |
2005年2月 February 2005 |
第4回世界新城サミット in 南アフリカ開催 4th Newcastles of the World Summit in South Africa. |
2006年6月 June 2006 |
第5回世界新城サミット in イギリス開催 5th Newcastles of the World Summit in Newcastle under Lyme (UK). |
2008年7月 July 2008 |
第6回世界新城アライアンス会議 in ドイツ開催 新城市の提案で市民も参加、交流できる会議へと名称を変更 6th Newcastles of the World Alliance Conference held in Germany Under the request of the City of Shinshiro, ordinary citizens participate in the event. The name of the event changes from "Summit" to "Conference" |
2010年10月 Octorber 2010 |
第7回世界新城アライアンス会議 in 南アフリカ開催 7th Newcastles of the World Alliance Conference held in South Africa |
2012年7月 July 2012 |
第8回世界新城アライアンス会議 in イギリス開催 ユース部門が創設され、各国の若者同士が交流することができるようになる。 参加した新城の若者が刺激を受け、帰国後新城市若者議会を立ち上げるきっかけになる。 8th Newcastles of the World Alliance Conference in Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) With the establishment of the Youth Division, the youth of all member Newcastles actively participate. Due to the overwhelmingly positive experiences obtained through this interaction, upon returning to Japan, the youth of Shinshiro form the Shinshiro Youth Parliament. |
2014年5月 May 2014 |
第9回世界新城アライアンス会議 in チェコ開催 9th Newcastles of the World Alliance Conference in Czech Republic. |
2016年9月 September 2016 |
第10回世界新城アライアンス会議 in カナダ開催 10th Newcastles of the World Alliance Conference in Canada. |
2018年10月 Octorber 2018 |
第11回世界新城アライアンス会議 in 日本開催 20周年記念として、新城市で開催される。 11th Newcastles of the World Alliance Conference in Japan 20th Anniversary Commemoration in Shinshiro (Japan). |
About the Logo
The 2018 Newcastles of the World Alliance Conference logo was created with the underlying idea of different castles coming together and forming a single bond. In the logo, six castles are joined in the middle with each castle representing a sail of a windmill. Since the conferences are held in different cities once every two years, the spinning sails represent the rotation of the different conference locations. Each sail represents a different continent.